Just stop
Just stop driving
Just stop flying
Just stop eating red meat
Richard Parncutt (2020)
Do you live in a rich country? Do you have a roof over your head and
food on your plate? Do you
have a good education and read good newspapers? If so, please
think about this:
If individuals are
not going to reduce their personal carbon footprint,
what hope is there?
No god is going to punish the polluters. Politicians and CEOs have
their own agenda. It's us, the "ordinary people", who have to stop them
and not the other way
If you love your children and care
about young people, just stop.
If you think developing countries
should have a future, just stop.
If you have a good life and wish the
same for others, just stop.
If you have a heart and a head, just
Stop being a climate lemming. Stop participating in mass
suicide. Stop deliberately shortening the lives of innocent young
people. Yes, deliberately.
Stop lying about the elephant in the room. Stop pretending to be
innocent. Future generations, on whose behalf I am writing, have had
enough of being treated like shit.
Humans have been talking about morality for thousands of years.
Now is the time to find out whether we really meant it. Did we or did
we not?
Many say: "I can't". Consider this: most of those people are lying.
Maybe you are one of them? Sorry to be so brutally honest! It's a
shock, I know. In any case: the first step is to tell the truth and
stop pretending to be a victim. Most people in rich countries could
easily and drastically reduce their personal carbon footprint if they
wanted to. Everyone has a different situation and different solutions.
It's a matter of taking the idea seriously and actually doing it.
You might say: "What difference does my contribution make?" It's a
serious question, but the trouble is this: You don't have another
solution. Do you? In the end, individuals will have to stop consuming
fossil fuels. That's what it comes down to, and you can also inspire
others to follow your lead. You can in fact do that.
Right now, things are not looking promising. But miracles have
happened. Everyone
has their own personal integrity, which is not a bad place to start.
You can ignore this, of course, if you really hate yourself that much.
You will not experience eternal damnation. You will just die, and that
will be it. If you are old enough now, you will miss out on the really
bad stuff, as I will. Our children will not.
The opinions expressed on
this page are the
author's personal
opinions. Readers who know and care about this topic are asked to
contact the author with suggestions for
improving or extending the content: parncutt at
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