The global multi-hub academic conference

Choosing hubs and sketching the program


Richard Parncutt, 2023

A multi-hub conference is a one that is split across several hubs in different continents. For an introduction to this idea, follow this link.

A promising way to create a global conference program that treats all global locations equally is to divide the 24-hour day into three equally spaced 4-hour timeslots (e.g., UTC 0-4, 8-12, and 16-20). The entire conference happens within those slots:
Evaluation of program solutions at individual hubs

A global multi-hub conference works well if it includes three roughly equally spaced hubs, 8 hours apart, plus other hubs that are not too far away in time from the initial three. All hubs are nominally equal (no central hub, no satellites). That usually means including hubs on the Pacific rim (e.g., Sydney or Tokyo, and Los Angeles or Vancouver).

That way, a morning slot from 8 am to 12 noon can be shared with a hub toward the East, at which the time will be no later than 4 pm to 8 pm (evening). Similarly,
an evening slot from 4 pm to 8 pm can be shared with a hub toward the West, at which the time will be no earlier than 8 am to 12 noon.

At each hub, the start and the end of each working day are 12 hours apart. For example, if the day starts at 9am, it ends at 9pm. The local time of the start and the end depend on the global configuration of hubs.

The "good" hub program. The most comfortable solution at a given hub is a working day that starts and ends at 8 or 9. If the day starts and ends at 8, the siesta is from 12 noon to 4 pm. If the day starts and ends at 9, the siesta is from 1 pm to 5 pm. In the following, I will call these solutions "good": they are not perfect (most people would prefer a shorter siesta), but given the global constraints of the conference they are probably the best possible solutions.

The "ok" hub program. Depending on location and timezone, the working day might run from 7 am to 7 pm, 10 am to 10 pm, or 11 am to 11 pm. In the following, I will call these solutions "ok". They are not great, 
but people can adjust to them more easily than recovering from jetlag after a typical intercontinental flight. The advantage of communicating in real time with all other hubs outweighs the disadvantage of strange working hours.

The "poor" hub program. It is not a good idea to start at 6 am or earlier at a given hub (participants will need breakfast), or to end at midnight or later. I will call such solutions "poor" and avoid them.

Planning hub locations

Before approaching international colleagues who could organize a hub, an organizer should plan the daily timetable at that hub and ensure that the hub can be realistically included, given other hubs that have already been chosen. The timing at each hub should be "good" or "ok". 

The following tables can help organizers locate hubs. The listed hub locations are examples only. They can be replaced by other locations in the same time zones.
They cover all 6 populated continents but not all time zones.

If the three 4-hour blocks start at whole numbers of hours after UTC=0, organizers have 8 options to choose from. They are analyzed in the following 8 tables. In each table, the first row shows the working times of the conference relative to UTC (GMT). The other rows show local times at each location on a 24-hour clock.

Clearly, some options work better than others. Option 6 (UTC 6-10, 14-18, 22-2) looks especially promising -- at least for the chosen time zones.

The analysis applies only for the Northern summer (August 2023). Things change slightly for the Northern winter, because there is daylight saving time in some countries but not others. The table has been created using

Option 0, with working times UTC 0-4, 8-12, and 16-20

Quick summary of results for this option:
Possible hub Time difference UTC 0-4 UTC 8-12 UTC 16-20 Evaluation
London (=Lisbon) 1 (1-5) 9-13 17-21 good
Cape Town (=Berlin) 2 (2-6) 10-14 18-22 good
Tel Aviv (=Helsinki) 3 (3-7) 11-15 19-23 ok
Delhi 5.5 5-9 13-17 (21-1) poor
Beijing 8 8-12 16-20 (0-4) good
Tokyo 9 9-13 17-21 (1-5) good
Melbourne 10 10-14 18-22 (2-6) ok
Honolulu 14 14-18 (22-2) 6-10 poor
Los Angeles 17 17-21 (1-5) 9-13 good
New York 20 20-0 (4-8) 12-16 poor
Sao Paolo 21 (21-1) 5-9 13-17 poor

Option 1 (UTC 1-5, etc.)
Possible hub Time difference UTC 1-5 UTC 9-13 UTC 17-21 Evaluation
London 1 (2-6) 10-14 18-22 ok
Cape Town 2 (3-7) 11-15 19-23 ok
Tel Aviv 3 (4-8) 12-16 20-24 poor
Delhi 5.5 6-10 14-18 (22-2) poor
Beijing 8 9-13 17-21 (1-5) good
Tokyo 9 10-14 18-22 (2-6) ok
Melbourne 10 11-15 19-23 (3-7) ok
Honolulu 14 15-19 (23-3) 7-11 ok
Los Angeles 17 18-22 (2-6) 10-14 ok
New York 20 21-1 (5-9) 13-17 poor
Sao Paolo 21 (22-2) 6-10 14-18 poor

Option 2 (UTC = 2-6, etc.)
Possible hub Time difference UTC 2-6 UTC 10-14 UTC 18-22 Evaluation
London 1 (3-7) 11-15 19-23 ok
Cape Town 2 (4-8) 12-16 20-0 poor
Tel Aviv 3 (5-9) 13-17 21-1 poor
Delhi 5.5 7-11 15-19 (23-3) ok
Beijing 8 10-14 18-22 (2-6) ok
Tokyo 9 11-15 19-23 (3-7) ok
Melbourne 10 12-16 20-0 (4-8) poor
Honolulu 14 16-20 (0-4) 8-12 good
Los Angeles 17 19-23 (3-7) 11-15 ok
New York 20 (22-2) 6-10 14-18 poor
Sao Paolo 21 (23-3) 7-11 15-19 ok

Option 3
Possible hub Time difference UTC 3-7 UTC 11-15 UTC 19-23 Evaluation
London 1 (4-8) 12-16 20-0 poor
Cape Town 2 5-9 13-17 (21-1) poor
Tel Aviv 3 6-10 14-18 (22-2) poor
Delhi 5.5 8-12 16-20 (0-4) good
Beijing 8 11-15 19-23 (3-7) ok
Tokyo 9 12-16 20-0 (4-8) poor
Melbourne 10 13-17 (21-1) 5-9 poor
Honolulu 14 17-21 (1-5) 9-13 good
Los Angeles 17 20-0 (4-8) 12-16 poor
New York 20 (23-3) 7-11 15-19 ok
Sao Paolo 21 (0-4) 8-12 16-20 good

Option 4
Possible hub Time difference UTC 4-8 UTC 12-16 UTC 20-0 Evaluation
London 1 5-9 13-17 (21-1) poor
Cape Town 2 6-10 14-18 (22-2) poor
Tel Aviv 3 7-11 15-19 (23-3) ok
Delhi 5.5 9-13 17-21 (1-5) good
Beijing 8 12-16 20-0 (4-8) poor
Tokyo 9 13-17 (21-1) 5-9 poor
Melbourne 10 14-18 (22-2) 6-10 poor
Honolulu 14 18-22 (2-6) 10-14 good
Los Angeles 17 (21-1) 5-9 13-17 poor
New York 20 (0-4) 8-12 16-20 good
Sao Paolo 21 (1-5) 9-13 17-21 good

Option 5
Possible hub Time difference UTC 5-9 UTC 13-17 UTC 21-1 Evaluation
London 1 6-10 14-18 (22-2) poor
Cape Town 2 7-11 15-19 (23-3) ok
Tel Aviv 3 8-12 16-20 (0-4) good
Delhi 5.5 10-14 18-22 (2-6) ok
Beijing 8 13-17 (21-1) 5-9 poor
Tokyo 9 14-18 (22-2) 6-10 poor
Melbourne 10 15-19 (23-3) 7-11 ok
Honolulu 14 19-23 (3-7) 11-15 ok
Los Angeles 17 (22-2) 6-10 14-18 poor
New York 20 (1-5) 9-13 17-21 good
Sao Paolo 21 (2-6) 10-14 18-22 ok

Option 6
Possible hub Time difference UTC 6-10 UTC 14-18 UTC 22-2 Evaluation
London 1 7-11 15-19 (23-3) ok
Cape Town 2 8-12 16-20 (0-4) good
Tel Aviv 3 9-13 17-21 (1-5) good
Delhi 5.5 11-15 19-23 (3-7) ok
Beijing 8 14-18 (22-2) 6-10 poor
Tokyo 9 15-19 (23-3) 7-11 ok
Melbourne 10 16-20 (0-4) 8-12 good
Honolulu 14 20-0 (4-8) 12-16 poor
Los Angeles 17 (23-3) 7-11 15-19 ok
New York 20 (2-6) 10-14 18-22 ok
Sao Paolo 21 (3-7) 11-15 19-23 ok

Option 7
Possible hub TIme difference UTC 23-3 UTC 7-11 UTC 15-19 Evaluation
London 1 (0-4) 8-12 16-20 good
Cape Town 2 (1-7) 9-13 17-21 good
Tel Aviv 3 (2-8) 10-14 18-22 ok
Delhi 5.5 (4-8) 12-16 20-0 poor
Beijing 8 7-11 15-19 (23-3) ok
Tokyo 9 8-12 16-20 (0-4) good
Melbourne 10 9-13 17-21 (1-5) good
Honolulu 14 13-17 (21-1) 5-9 poor
Los Angeles 17 16-20 (0-4) 8-12 good
New York 20 19-23 (3-7) 11-15 ok
Sao Paolo 21 20-0 (4-8) 12-16 poor

The opinions expressed on this page are the authors' personal opinions.
Suggestions for improving or extending the content are welcome.
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