I read in an
excellent article in the New York Times that “the
transformation of the planet and the degradation may be the biggest and
most important story of our time, indeed of all time, but on
television, at least, it has nevertheless proven, so far, a palpable
ratings killer.”
This is how collective suicide works, and we are in the middle of doing
it. But it’s not only the fault of every car driver, airline
passenger or meat eater who steadfastly refuses to change (or even
consider the possibility of change, or even just mention the problem,
let alone take it seriously). It may also be the fault of those well-meaning climate scientists who fail to
state clearly that our emissions are causing these disasters.
When asked by the media about the relationship between climate change
and specific events, climate scientists are typically careful and
conservative, as good scientists should be. They may for example say
that “It is too early to be sure that
these bushfires are caused by climate change“. That may be true
a scientific context, in which the participants in the conversation all
have a scientific qualification. But the general public misinterprets
statements of this kind, because the general public doesn’t
probabilities. In other words, the general public does not speak
Scientese. To avoid misunderstandings, one should avoid speaking to
them in Scientese.
Hearing that “It is too early to be sure that these bushfires
are caused by climate change“, the general public may
that it is not urgent to stop burning fossil fuels. So don't worry
about driving a car and eating red meat every day, or flying across the
world to meetings or holidays. Just keep going until the scientists
finally make up their mind. This of course is not the reaction the
climate scientists intend, but it is the message that the general
public may take home with them.
In fact, nothing could
be more urgent than reducing emissions on every possible level and by
all possible means. This practical implication is surely the most
important finding of climate science, because it is about human
survival, without which nothing else matters. Climate scientists can
solve the problem by always addressing this existential aspect when
approached by the media, even if the media don't ask about it.
In other words, when dealing with the media, scientists need to be bilingual. We need to speak
two languages, Publikese and Scientese, and know how to switch between them. In Publikese, the language of
public discourse, it’s obvious that climate change is the cause
of the recent fires in Sweden and Greece. The scientists predicted it
and now it’s happening.
In Publikese, we might say this: “It’s obvious that our
emissions are causing these fires, even without direct scientific proof
in this specific case”. In Publikese, that is a true statement,
but in Scientese it is false. It is a translation of the
Scientiese statement that “we can’t be sure
yet“ into Publikese. It is an accurate translation because the
practical implications are the same in
both cases, namely that all fossil fuel burning must stop
as soon as possible.
Regarding probabilities, one of the great achievements of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
has been to express scientific findings or predictions in the area of
climate change in terms of approximate probabilities, standardizing the
relationship between words and numbers. For example, if scientists
agree that a prediction will come true with a probability exceeding
95%, the term "extremely likely" is used. More than 99%, "virtually
certain". The word "likely" without qualification means the
probability exceeds 66%.
The general public is baffled by these numbers because it is so hard to
imagine something that might happen in the future before it has
actually happened. If scientists predict a probability of 66%, the
general public might conclude that no action is necessary, because
after all it might not happen at all, and given that we can't imagine
it happening and we don't know what those scientists are doing, we
might as well ignore it. For this reason, the Publikese translation of
66% should be something like "high probability", to be sure that the
public understands the practical implications.
Said another way: In
Publikese, something is true if it works. Something is not necesssarily
true if it’s the
result of a careful empirical study or statistical test, because as we
know those studies often disagree with each other and the scientists
also seem to change their mind. If we read one day that we should drink
wine regularly to avoid heart disease, we can be sure that a few years
later we will read about another study that came to the opposite
conclusion. In fact, the main findings of climate change are not going
to change, like studies of nutrition and health seem to change, but the
general public doesn't know that, which is why we have to think about
how best to express ourselves in Publikese.
No matter whether global warming directly caused a specific forest fire
or not, it is definitely happening and it definitely does cause forest
fires. The solution is definitely to reduce emissions, deforestation,
meat production, cement production and so on. These things are true
with a probability exceeding 99%, so for both scientists and the
general public they are virtually certain. Climate scientists have a
responsibility to repeat them again and again when approached by the
opinions expressed on
this page are the
author's personal
opinions. Readers who know and care about this topic are asked to
contact the author with suggestions for improving or extending the content: parncutt at
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